Okay.. I know it's super late... but anyways..
I changed "Girl of the week" to "Cutie of the week" so if you wanna see the other girls just go to the category/label "Girl of the week"
Just to remind you:
Week 1: Tokunaga Chinami
Week 2: Natsuyaki Miyabi
Week 3: Kumai Yurina
Week 4: JunJun
Week 1: ???
Okay... for January.. I'm surprised that the winners are all from Berryz Koubou (From week 1-3) JunJun of Morning Musume broke the record :( well.. I still wanna Congratulate her!! :)
Okay.. since I already announced the girls for week 1 (February) I just want you to vote...
I'm still gonna post a topic for Kumai Yurina (winner of week 3) and JunJun(week 4) so please wait! >.<
わかりました。 私はそれが極度の遅い…ことを知っている しかしとにかく。
週1: 徳永千奈美
週2: 夏焼雅
週3: 熊井友理奈
週4: ジュンジュン
週1: ???
わかりました… 1月のため。 私は勝者がBerryz工房(モーニング娘。の週1-3から) JunJunからのすべて壊した記録をであること驚く: (健康。 私はまだ!彼女を祝いたいと思う! :)
わかりました。 私が既に発表したので週1 (2月)の女の子私はちょうど投票してほしい…
私はまだ熊井友理奈(週3の勝者)のためのトピックを掲示する行って、ジュンジュン (週4)はそう待ち時間を喜ばす! >.<
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Mano Erina- "Haru no Arashi" PV Released
Mano Erina's 6th single PV "Haru no Arashi" or "Spring storm" has been released.
真野恵里菜第6単一PV 「」はまたは「ばね嵐」の解放されなかった。
Okay.. the tone of the song is kinda different from her past singles... this song is more mature and a bit serious. While the others like "LOVE & PEACE=PARADISE" her 5th single..it's somewhat happy and it's like branded for kids :) (well.. bit obvious! Hello Kitty was there singing along side her!) :>
Anyways... the back-up dancers to my surprise wasn't S/mileage... it was some of the girls in HP Eggs!
Well anyone would be surprise because since Mano Erina's 4th single I think or the 3rd... well somewhere there... S/mileage is the back-up dancer of Mano's PV.... well they changed it... though I'm a bit happy because Tsunku gave a chance to the other girls to shine :D
- Saho Akari
- Fukumura Mizuki
- Sekine Asuza
- Takeuchi Akari
Well I'm pretty sure this single will sell well! oh.. and the c/w for this single is entitled "Hello! Esper Hello!" which will be used as the opening for her show "Hanbun Esper"
It'll be out on February 24.
わかりました。 歌の調子は彼女の過去とちょっと異なっている選抜する… この歌はより成長し、深刻なビットである。 「愛及びPEACE=PARADISE」のような他が彼女の第5単一の。.it幾分幸せなおよび間、子供のために決め付けられるのようである:) (健康。 かまれた明らか! こんにちはキティは側面に沿ってそこに彼女を!歌っていた) :>
とにかく… 私の驚きへのバックアップダンサーはではなかったS/mileage… それはHPの卵の女の子の何人かだった!
井戸はだれでも単一真野恵里菜第4私または第3…考えるのでので驚きである そこのどこかの井戸… S/mileageはである真野恵里菜のPVのバックアップダンサー…. よくそれらは変えたそれを… 寺田 光男が輝やきに他の女の子にチャンスを与えたので私が幸せなビットであるけれども: Dの
* 佐保明梨
* 譜久村聖
* 関根梓
* 竹内朱莉
私はそれらと良い。 私はない私がそれらまたは何でも。憎むことを意味する。 :) 森咲樹がまたは…そこにあったらそれがよりよかろうだろうけれども 健康な宮本佳林
XD私はかなり確実この単一意志販売法の元気でいる! オハイオ州。 そしてこの単一のためのc/wは「こんにちは資格を与えられる! Esperこんにちは! 「彼女のショー「Hanbun Esper」のために開始として使用される
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Berryz Koubou- "Otakebi BOY WAO! & Tomodachi wa tomadachi nanda!" Radio Preview released!
Yay!! the radio previews for the 22nd double a-singles of Berryz Koubou has been released!!! single entitled "Otakebi BOY WAO!/Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda!"
Yay!! 第22倍のための無線の下検分はBerryz工房の解放された!!選抜する! Otakebiの資格を与えられた「雄叫びボーイ WAO!/友達は友達なんだ!」
This song.. I really like it but I think I like the other side better ("Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda") well.. this is somehow like Ryuusei Boy.. :) well this is a fast song and a bit more aggressive... all of the girls changed their voice a bit... Momo too! (Tsugunaga Momo) I don't really like Momo's voice in this single... :( it's not her! she's not that aggressive!
Well.. like "Ryuusei Boy" their past single... it'll be the first to be released.. the PV I mean... I'm not that excited for "Otakebi Boy WAO!" I like the other side better down here...
Oh... I almost forgot.. like the past singles.. (20th-22nd) this song "Otakebi Boy WAO!" will be used in the anime "Inzuma Eleven"
この歌。 私は実際にそれを好むが、私が反対側のよりよい(「友達は友達なんだ!」の)井戸を。好むことを考える。 これはRyuuseiの男の子のよう。どうかしてである。 :) これは湧き出るである速い歌およびより積極的… 女の子全員は変えた彼女達の声をビット… もも! (嗣永 桃子) 私は実際に好まないこの単一のももの声を… : (それは彼女ではない! 彼女は積極的なそれではない!
井戸。 「Ryuusei男の子のように」の過去は選抜する… それは解放されるべき第1。である。 私が…意味するPV 私はではない「雄叫びボーイ WAO!/友達は友達なんだ!」の 私はここに好む反対側のよりよい羽毛を…
オハイオ州… 私はほとんど。忘れていた。 過去のように。選抜する。 (第20第22)この歌「雄叫びボーイ WAO!」の 使用される漫画 「イナズマイレブン」
The song is the opposite of the other side... kinda like "Seishun Bus guide & RIVAL" (20th single) I really like this song a lot especially the piano part... :) I like their voices here too (the girls) I played it a lot of times while writing this so it's really addicting for me :D
The order of the girls (singing)= Risako, Miyabi, Momo, Kumai, Maasa, Captain then Chii
I'm waiting for this PV so when I catch it I'm gonna post it first :)
The single is actually good! more from what I expected.. but they really are the best (for me) in Hello Project.
Oh... and the release date is on March 3.
歌はである反対側の反対… ちょっと「Seishunバスガイド及び競争相手」 (第20単一) Iのように実際に好みなさいこの歌をたくさん特にピアノ部品は… :) 私はここの声を好むこれにそうそれを書くことが私のために実際にaddicting間余りに(女の子)私が多くの時間それをした: D
女の子(歌うこと)の順序= 菅谷 梨沙子, 、夏焼 雅、もも、熊井 友理奈、須藤 茉麻のChii大尉それから
単一は実際によい! 私が。期待したものをからの多く。 しかしそれらは実際にこんにちはプロジェクトの最もよい(私のために)。
オハイオ州… そして発行日は3月3日にある。
Friday, January 29, 2010
New Girls for "Girl of the week"
Okay... I'm gonna start a new poll again! well.. I'm still gonna post about JunJun (The new girl of the week) Okay... now.. I'm gonna announce the new girls... :)
Okay first we have Morning Musume's LinLin (the other Chinese member of the group)

Okay first we have Morning Musume's LinLin (the other Chinese member of the group)
Then we have.... Berryz Koubou's Captain!!! (Shimizu Saki)
Next we have Yajima Maimi of C-ute!
Next Wada Ayaka of S/mileage!!
Last... I decided to put her here! >.< Yaguchi Mari!!!
Okay.. now that's that so please everyone vote!!!!
Morning Musume – “Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai” Single V Cover Released
The Single V cover for Morning Musume’s 42nd single titled Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai has been released.
This cover isn't like how most of their covers are... most of their covers are like they aren't separted by those grids.. now well.. I guess since they are all equal I guess they did that for a change...
For me it's kinda weird still for me too see them without the energetic Koharu or the smiling baby Koharu -_- I really miss her.. especially in Kirarin Revolution :(
Okay.. back to Morning Musume... the cover is actually nice ...:D What I love the most in the new Morning Musume is that they have great clothes in this single I mean... well way better (for me) than Kimagure Princess... :) Okay I love the whole rose thing.. but a bit awkward to dance right? Okay... Uhm..
The release date is set for February 24. just like Mano's single? and the Nine Smile DVD? well.. whatever :P
モーニング娘第42単一のタイトルを付けられた女が目立って なぜイケナイのための単一Vカバーは解放された。このカバーはカバーのほとんどが…いかにのようあるかではない カバーのほとんどはそれらの格子によってseparted。ないようにある。 今井戸。 私はそれらがすべて私が推測する同輩であるので推測するした変更のためのそれを…
私のためのそれは追随的のためのちょっと不可解な酒造機見るである精力的なKoharuか微笑の赤ん坊久住小春なしのそれらが- _ -私実際に彼女を。逃すことを。 特にKirarinの回転で: (
モーニング娘に戻って… カバーは実際に素晴らしい…: 私が新しい
モーニング娘のほとんどを愛する何は大きいがあることであるこの単一の衣服私意味する… 気まぐれの王女より(私のために)よりよい健康な方法… :) わかりました愛全体のばら色の事。 しかし扱いにくいビット正しく踊るためか。 わかりました… Uhm。
発行日は2月24日の間置かれる。 ちょうど単一真野恵里菜のようにか。 そして9微笑DVDか。 井戸。 ものは何でも: P
Morning Musume Concert Tour 2009 Autumn ~Nine Smile~ DVD Cover Released
タイトル: モーニング娘の演奏旅行2009解放される秋の~NineのSmile~ DVDカバー
The cover for Morning Musume’s Concert Tour 2009 Autumn ~Nine Smile~ DVD has been released on the official H!P site.
It's nice that they put Koharu there in the middle! while the other girls are in the sides.. It's Koha's moment! >.< It's nice that they are centering or the whole concert's main idea is to say good bye to Kusumi Koharu!
The release date is set for February 24.... Just like Mano Erina's single?
モーニング娘の演奏旅行のためのカバーは役人で2009秋の~Nine Smile~ DVD解放された! の場所。
それらが中間に久住小春をそこに置くことは素晴らしい! 他の女の子が側面に。ある間。 それは久住小春の時である! >。それらが集中するか、または全コンサートの主旨が久住小春へさよならを言うことであることは<素晴らしい!発行日は2月24日の間置かれる…. ちょうど単一真野恵里菜のようにか。
Hello Project Official Site-->Morning Musume Nine Smile
Mano Erina – “Haru no Arashi” PV Preview Released
Mano Erina – “Haru no Arashi” PV Preview has been Released.
The PV seems nice :D I love the song.. after hearing the song I was amazed! I think the best part is the close-up's of Mano Well.. I couldn't say more since I still didn't see the other parts so we'll just have to wait and see.. :)
The release date is set for February 24..
真野恵里菜 - 「春の嵐」はPVの下検分解放されなかった。
PVは素晴らしいようである: D I愛歌。 歌を聞いた後私は驚かせられた! 私は最もよい部分が真野恵里菜の井戸のクローズアップ。であることを考える。 私は私がそれでも他の部品を見なくて従って私達がちょうどなる静観的静観的。から多くを言うことができなかった。 :)
Okay.. I haven't posted the song so I'll post it now.. It's full song so please enjoy as much as I did! >.< GO!GO!GO! Mano!!!
わかりました。 私は歌従って私を意志のポスト・イット。今掲示してしまわなかった。 それは私がと完全な歌そう喜ぶ楽しむ多くをである! >。<行きなさい! 行きなさい! 行きなさい! 真野恵里菜!!
Normal Edition:
Limited A:
Limited B:
Among the 3 I like the normal edition.. though Limited B is good too! >.<
3の中で私は正常な版を。好む。 限られたけれどもBはよい! >。<
楽しみなさい! Buono- "Miracle Happy Love song" preview released!
A preview of the c/w for Buono’s 10th single titled MIRACLE HAPPY LOVE SONG has been released on the Pony Canyon site.
The preview is 41 seconds long. It's practically good like any other Buono! Song... it's really cool.. Well Buono's rising again so we will expect a lot from them this year! their "Take it easy" I think started the bad luck.. as some would say but I thought it was a bit cool.. like they were resting from stardom for a while... :D
but... it's nice they are taking it seriously? right word? anyways.. enjoy!
Well if you wanna hear the preview just click the link down there! :)
下検分は長く41秒である。 それは他のどのBuonoのように事実上よい! 歌… それは実際に涼しい。 そう再度上がるそれらから健康なBuono私達は今年たくさん期待する! 「彼等の私は」考える始めた不運を。リラックスする。 ある人々が言ったが、ので私はそれが涼しいビット。だったことを考えた。 ようにそれらがスターの座からしばらく休んでいた… : D
しかし… それは素晴らしいそれら真剣に取っているそれをか。 右の単語か。 とにかく。 楽しみなさい!
そこに下検分の公正なかちりと言う音をリンク聞きたいと思えば井戸! :)
覚えなさい! 発行日は2月3日の間置かれる。
Cutie Jump (Umeda Erika's Graduation)
タイトル: キューティーハニージャンプ(梅田えりか卒業)
I haven't actually seen the whole concert... but.. here anyway!!! >.<
私は実際に見なかった全コンサートを… しかし。 とにかくここに!!! >.<
I'll give my thoughts or opinions... on what I think about the whole concert... But I say they all look stunning in the first songs.. >.<
I plan to put the setlist but I'm too tired rather lazy to actually type it... I'm gonna look for a source :)
私は与える私の思考か意見を… ものを私が全コンサートについて考える… しかし私は彼らを最初の歌で思いがけないすべての一見。言う。 >。<
セットのリストを置く実際にそれをタイプするIの計画しかし私はである余りに疲れた幾分不精… 私は源を捜そうと思っている:)
Okay now that I have the set list I'm gonna change this... :)
私がセットのリストを私有するのでわかりましたはこれを変える筈だ… :)
Sorry no translation! -_-
セットのリストを置く実際にそれをタイプするIの計画しかし私はである余りに疲れた幾分不精… 私は源を捜そうと思っている:)
Okay now that I have the set list I'm gonna change this... :)
私がセットのリストを私有するのでわかりましたはこれを変える筈だ… :)
1. Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu
2. Ookina Ai de Motenashite
3. Massara Blue Jeans
Opening VTR (BGM : Akogare My Star)
4. Everyday Zekkouchou!!
MC – Member introduction
5. Homerare Nobiko no Theme Song
6. Bye Bye Bye!
7. Time Capsule (Umeda, Nakajima)
8. C-utie Girls Skit (Airi, Chisato, Maimai) – 500ml watering point
C-utie Medley :
9. Wakkyanai (Z) (Airi, Chisato, Maimai)
10. Soku Dakishimete (Umeda, Yajima, Nakajima)
11. Edo no Temari Uta II
12. Yes! Shiawase
13. Wakkyanai (Z)
C-utie Medley End
14. Lalala Shiawase no Uta
MC – Umeda, Nakajima
14. Zansho Omimai Moshiagemasu (Suzuki Airi)
15. Otome cocoro (Chisato, Maimai)
16. Meguru Koi no Kisetsu
17. Ai wa Katsu (Yajima)
3. Massara Blue Jeans
Opening VTR (BGM : Akogare My Star)
4. Everyday Zekkouchou!!
MC – Member introduction
5. Homerare Nobiko no Theme Song
6. Bye Bye Bye!
7. Time Capsule (Umeda, Nakajima)
8. C-utie Girls Skit (Airi, Chisato, Maimai) – 500ml watering point
C-utie Medley :
9. Wakkyanai (Z) (Airi, Chisato, Maimai)
10. Soku Dakishimete (Umeda, Yajima, Nakajima)
11. Edo no Temari Uta II
12. Yes! Shiawase
13. Wakkyanai (Z)
C-utie Medley End
14. Lalala Shiawase no Uta
MC – Umeda, Nakajima
14. Zansho Omimai Moshiagemasu (Suzuki Airi)
15. Otome cocoro (Chisato, Maimai)
16. Meguru Koi no Kisetsu
17. Ai wa Katsu (Yajima)
18. Skit : maid outfits, Tap, Tongue Twisters (Umeda, Chisato, Maimai) –> (everyone joins in maid outfits) Mop Juggling –> Tap and Stomp
While the tap to do with the dramatic sketch made clothes, patter word (well Hagiwara Oka Umeda) -> (with everyone made clothes confluence) with the mop the jug ring being like -> tap and [sutonpu]
20. Thats The POWER + Tap and Stomp
21. Namida no Iro
22. Forever Love
23. JUMP
24. Seishun Song
25. SHINES (Towels)
26. Sakura Chirari
27. Tokkaiko Junjou
21. Namida no Iro
22. Forever Love
23. JUMP
24. Seishun Song
25. SHINES (Towels)
26. Sakura Chirari
27. Tokkaiko Junjou
残念翻訳無し! -_-
タイトル: イベント公開"Bravo☆Bravo"
● Place: CENTRAIR (Chubu International Airport)
● Date: January 22, 2010 (Fri) (19:15 PM)
About 330 people attended!!^^
Set List:
③Early Bird
④Autograph Items
⑤CBC Radio Public Record Theme: "Buono! Bono's story"
⑥Rottara Rottara
⑦-Winter Story-
⑧NEW Album·Single·Concert Tour Announcement
約330人が参加!^ ^
⑧新しいアルバム - シングル - コンサートツアーのお知らせ
This is so cool!!! 330 people attended!!! I'm so happy for BUONO!
Well.. I have nothing much to say now .... soooo BYE!! >.<
これはとても涼しい!!! 330人は!!出席した! 私はBUONOのためにとても幸せである!
井戸。 私は大いに言うことはない今何も…. そうBYE!! >.<
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New S/mileage Profile Pictures For “Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii”
タイトル: 「Otona NI Narutte Muzukashii」のための新しいS/mileageのプロフィール映像

Hello Project's official site changed S/mileage's Profile...
I actually like the outfits..“Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii” but I think I like "Suki-chan" better.. :)
The Black & Pink colors are good... I also like the hats! I love all of them!! >.< but one thing I don't like is... Fukuda Knaon's Hair T-T The other girls' hairstyle is good... :)
私は実際に用品類を。好む。「私が「スキちゃん」をよりよい。好むことをOtona NI Narutte Muzukashii」はしかし私考える。 :)
黒い及びピンク色はよい… 私はまた帽子を好む! 私はすべてを!愛する! >。私が好まない1つの事しかし<ある… 福田花音の毛TTは他の女の子のヘアスタイルよい… :) The release date is set for 3/14.
Oh.. if you wanna hear the song just go to the Labels... and search for S/mileage then you'll see the topic... :)
オハイオ州。 歌がラベルに進むのをちょうど聞きたいと思えば… そしてS/mileageの調査見るトピックを… :)
C-ute= "Shocking 5" Album Tracklist released.
タイトル: C-ute=の「Shocking 5」にアルバムトラックリスト衝撃を与える。
The tracklist of C-ute's 5th Album "Shocking 5" was released.
The songs they compiled were okay... and I'm also looking forward to the new songs...
編集した歌は良かった… そして私はまた新しい歌に先に見ている…
1. EVERYDAY Zekkouchou!! EVERYDAY 絶好調!!
2. The Party!3. Meiko Koi (Suzuki Airi 鈴木 愛理 solo)
4. Bye Bye Bye!
5. Lonely girl's night (Yajima Maimi 矢島 舞美 solo)
6. Kimi no Senpou (Nakajima, Okai, Hagiwara) (中島 早貴, 岡井 千聖, 萩原 舞)
8. Shigatsu Sengen
9. Zansho Omimai Moshiagemasu 「残暑 お見舞い 申し上げます。」 (Suzuki Airi 鈴木 愛理 solo)
10. Yume ga Aru kara
11. Shochuu Omimai Moushiagemasu 暑中お見舞い申し上げます(H22 Remix H22はリミックスする)
I love song #1, 7,9 & 11... :) I am looking forward to Airi's solo (once again) and Maimi's! I love her solo! But I feel a bit bad for the other 3 girls... :( The don't have solos... only them together :(
Airi has 2 in this album... the B-side of Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu... also that song... I feel that the remix would be good... like the "Special Generation" Remix by Berryz Koubou! >.<
私ラブソング#1、7,9及び11… :) 私は鈴木 愛理のソロ(もう一度)および矢島 舞美に先に見ている! 私は彼女をソロ愛する! しかし私は感じる他の3人の女の子のためのビット悪い状態を… : (持ってはいけないソロを… 一緒にそれらただ: (
Airiにこのアルバムである2が… 暑中お見舞い申し上げますのB側面… またその歌… 私はリミックスがよい…ことに感じる 「特別な生成のように」 Berryz工房によってリミックスしなさい! >。<
Airiにこのアルバムである2が… 暑中お見舞い申し上げますのB側面… またその歌… 私はリミックスがよい…ことに感じる 「特別な生成のように」 Berryz工房によってリミックスしなさい! >。<
Guardians 4- Going On! PV Released!
タイトル: ガーディアンズ 4「Going On!」解放されるPV!
Well.. the PV was nice.. not their best :P But.. I say it's a nice song >.< the animals still freaked me out! I mean at the very start they just had to direct it?! But I like the recording part.. It was really nice :)
井戸。 PVは素晴らしかった。 ない最もよい: Pしかし。 私はそれが素晴らしい歌であることを言う >。< 動物はまだ私をひどく神経質にした! 私はそれらがか。ちょうどそれを指示しなければならなかった開始で非常に意味する! しかし私は録音の部品を。好む。 それは実際に素晴らしかった:)
Video uploaded by: adode13
Buono- "Haro Pro Yanen" Buono!
タイトル: されるのラジオ番組"ハロプロねん上にある!" 2月15日
A radio show will be done by Buono! it'll be on February 15 (2/15/10) it's on a Monday from 8:00-8:30
It's a good thing for Buono since this can boost up their popularity rate :P
Cast: BUONO!!!
Tsugunaga Momoko 嗣永 桃子
Natsuyaki Miyabi 夏焼 雅
Suzuki Airi 鈴木 愛理
ラジオ番組はBuonoによって行われる! それは2月15日(2/15/10)に8:00 - 8からの月曜日にあるある: 30
それはこれが人気率の上で後押しできるのでBuonoのためのよい事であるは投げた: BUONO!!!
Girls Generation- Oh! New album
제목: 여아 발생 Oh! 새로운 앨범
I'm happy to hear that SNSD has a new album! not mini but an album!!! the song "Oh" is okay.. but not one of their best.... it's good but like I said... not that good.
The tracklist is nice... it'll have "Gee" & "Genie" so it'll be good :)
私はSNSDに新しいアルバムがあることを聞いて幸せである! 小型しかしアルバム!!! 歌「オハイオ州」は良い。 しかし最もよいのない1つ…. それは私が…言ったようによいが、 よいそれ。
トラックリストは素晴らしい… それに「Gee」及び「魔神」がある従ってそれはよい:)
나는 SNSD에는 새로운 앨범이 다는 것을 듣게 행복하다! 소형 그러나 앨범!!! 노래 "Oh"는 좋다. 그러나 그들의 최상 중 하나 아닙니다…. 나가… 말했는 처럼 좋다 그러나 좋은 저것 아닙니다.
대위 명부는 좋다… 그것에는 "Gee" & "귀신"가 있을 것이다 그래서 좋을 것이다:)
*I also translated it to Korean because this is about a Korean group...
나는 또한 한국어에게 이것이 한국 그룹에 관하여… 이기 때문에 그것을 번역했다
Buono- "Our Songs" PV (full) Released!
I say that they picked a pretty good spot to shoot the PV and I love the place where they shot the dance version. Oh... I also love their close-ups! ^O^ The close-up that I love the most is the part where they were like going up! It was awesome! it's like I wanted to ride with them >.<
It was pretty bright (the place) I guess it was around 9? or 10 am...What I also love about the single is The song... I really like it. The translation... I read it from watching Shugo Chara... :) Plus the parts are equally divided like their recent singles... I love it when Momo starts to sing >.<
I guess this is one of their BEST PV! besides "My Boy" it is :) and I also love the walking part where suddenly their pace speeds up! >.< ti made me giggle! Momo was the funniest!!! I;m sure when they started to spin that made them hell dizzy!
Airi's voice still amaze me! and well I guess their performance in this single is good... perfect? is that the right word? heh!....
You know the part where they were walking... I think they weren't acting I think they didn't know? that's my guess... but Momo was as usual so cute!!! >.<
最後に!!!! 完全な版!!!! それはである短い1つのbeacause (duh!)よりよい方法 それはより長く、私はPVを撃つためにそれらはかなりよい点を
選んだダンス版を撃った場所を愛すると私が言う実際の歌の^O^を見たり聞いたりできた。 オハイオ州… 私はまたクローズアップを愛する! 私がほとんどを愛すること^O^はクローズアップ上がることのような部品である! それは驚くばかりだった! それは私がそれらと乗りたいと思ったようにある >。<
それはかなり明るかった(場所)私推測するおよそ9時だったことをか。 または私がまた単一について愛する何を10AM は…である歌… 私は実際にそれを好む。 翻訳… 私は読んだしゅごキャラ!の監視からのそれを… :) 部品はと最近のように均等に分けられる選抜する… 私はももが歌い始めるときそれを愛する >。<
私はこれが最もよいPVの1つであることを推測する! 「私の男の子のほかに」それはある:) そして私はまた突然ペースがスピードをあげる歩く部分を愛する! >。< チタニウムは私にくすくす笑いをした! ももは最もおかしかった!!! I; それらがそれらに地獄を眩暈がするようにさせられてこと回り始めた時本当にm!
鈴木 愛理の声はまだ私を驚かせる! そして健康私はこの単一の性能がよい…ことを推測する 完全か。 それは右の単語であるか。 heh! ….
彼らが…歩いていた部品を知っている 私は考え彼らがだったことを私考える機能しない知らなかったことをか。 それはである私の推測… しかしももは通常のそうかわいいように!!あった! >。<
Video uploaded by: adode13
ビデオは下記によってアップロードした: adode13
オハイオ州… そして変わるプロフィール(ハロー!プロジェクトの公式の場所で)
Oh... and their profile changed (in HelloProject's official site)
Okay,,, out of nowhere... I just wanted to say this... "I think this PV was way better than Bravo Bravo, also the song I guess it's way better... but the cover... I think Bravo Bravo's cover is way better... Clothes.. I have to say Our Songs..." :) Okay now I said it! Bye!!
わかりました、突然… 私はちょうどこれを言いたいと思った… 「私はBravo Bravo、また私が推測する歌よりこのPVがよく方法だったことを考えるそれはであるよりよく方法は… しかしカバー… 私はBravoがBravoのカバーよりよく方法…であることを考える 衣服。 私は… 「私達の歌を言わなければならない:) わかりました今私はそれを言った! BYE!!
わかりました、突然… 私はちょうどこれを言いたいと思った… 「私はBravo Bravo、また私が推測する歌よりこのPVがよく方法だったことを考えるそれはであるよりよく方法は… しかしカバー… 私はBravoがBravoのカバーよりよく方法…であることを考える 衣服。 私は… 「私達の歌を言わなければならない:) わかりました今私はそれを言った! BYE!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Buono- "Our Songs" Magazine
健康。 現在私は最新を選抜する「私達の歌愛する」を私が愛する歌の翻訳を… それはそれらが有望歌うべきまたはそのようなことであるようにある。 あなた自身を表現するためか。 井戸… 私はそれを愛する!
嗣永 桃子!
I love the cover :) it's nice... though I miss Momo being the center..... :(
well.. currently I love their latest single "Our Songs" I love the translations of the song... it's like they are encouraging you to sing or something like that. to express yourself? well... I love it!
Okay let's start with the oldest:
Tsugunaga Momoko!
彼女は事実上最も小さく(グループで)最も古くないですではない。 彼女は完全に最もかわいい!
今度は… 彼女は私が…考える18才である または(この2010年)彼女の私の第一印象を回すことは(私はまだ健康なそれらを知らなかった)彼女が最も若い」が、私が…余りにすぐに話したことを「ちょっと私考えるだった 私がそれらについて研究したときに私は「Whoaのようだった!」 彼女は最も古い! ワウ! XDは湧き出る… 私は彼女の声を愛し、実際に高い従って私は彼女を越えることができない… 私が高くその最高を行ってもいくないけれども:)
She's practically the smallest (in the group) but the eldest... She is definitely the cutest!
今度は… 彼女は私が…考える18才である または(この2010年)彼女の私の第一印象を回すことは(私はまだ健康なそれらを知らなかった)彼女が最も若い」が、私が…余りにすぐに話したことを「ちょっと私考えるだった 私がそれらについて研究したときに私は「Whoaのようだった!」 彼女は最も古い! ワウ! XDは湧き出る… 私は彼女の声を愛し、実際に高い従って私は彼女を越えることができない… 私が高くその最高を行ってもいくないけれども:)
She's practically the smallest (in the group) but the eldest... She is definitely the cutest!
Now... she's 18 I think... or turning (this 2010) My first impression on her (I still didn't know them well) was 'Hey I think she's the youngest' but I spoke too soon... when I researched about them I was like 'Whoa!' She's the eldest! WOW! XD well... I love her voice and it's really high so I can't top her... though I can go high but not that high :)
この映像… 私は愛する彼女を… 前に「ホントのじぶん」映像… 私は彼女が私が彼女の声のための彼女だけを。その当時好んだすべての微笑ではなかったことを考えた。 私は彼女のもっとはっきり見始めた… そして私は彼女を賞賛し始めた… 彼女は私の第2 favのよう今度はである。 BK 「Berryz工房」
In this Picture... I love her... before in some "Honto no jibun " pictures... I thought she wasn't all smiles I only liked her for her voice back then but.. I started to see her more clearly... and then I started to admire her... Now she's like my second fav. in BK(Berryz Koubou)
In this Picture... I love her... before in some "Honto no jibun " pictures... I thought she wasn't all smiles I only liked her for her voice back then but.. I started to see her more clearly... and then I started to admire her... Now she's like my second fav. in BK(Berryz Koubou)
今度は… 中間の女の子!
Now... the middle girl!
夏焼 雅,
Natsuyaki Miyabi!
Natsuyaki Miyabi!
わかりました… 私は決して彼女がかわいいそれかなり….だったことを考えなかった 彼女は私に基本的に平均だった。 一見彼女は湧き出る。 しかし彼女の声… 私は私によってが嬉しい彼女であるBKのリード歌手の1才….彼女の声を愛する私は彼女の。時の彼女の毛のカップルを切るのを見た。 最初にしかしI何不用な切断が彼女の毛が好むそれを… 井戸。 彼女の最近の切口… 私は実際に好んだそれを… そして延長は私を。ひどく神経質にしていた。 それは健康…彼女に適しなかった : Pしかしええ。 この単一… 彼女は見た思いがけなく… そしてええ。 で彼女の頭部が豆のように定形…だったフォーラム言ったかだれが I第2動き! :) しかし…. 違反の人々無し(特にファン):)
Okay... I never thought she was that Cute nor pretty.... She was basically average to me. Well her looks. But her voice... I love her voice I'm glad she's one of the lead singers in BK....I've seen her cut her hair couple of times.. at first I though what a waste cutting her hair like that... Well.. her recent cut... I actually liked it... and the extensions were freaking me out.. it didn't suit her that well... :P but yeah.. in this single... she looked stunning... and yeah.. who ever said in the forums that her head was shaped like a bean... I second the motion! :) but.... no offense people (especially the fans) :)
Okay... I never thought she was that Cute nor pretty.... She was basically average to me. Well her looks. But her voice... I love her voice I'm glad she's one of the lead singers in BK....I've seen her cut her hair couple of times.. at first I though what a waste cutting her hair like that... Well.. her recent cut... I actually liked it... and the extensions were freaking me out.. it didn't suit her that well... :P but yeah.. in this single... she looked stunning... and yeah.. who ever said in the forums that her head was shaped like a bean... I second the motion! :) but.... no offense people (especially the fans) :)
ここの彼女の打撃は良かった… 彼女はかなり見た… 単一BK第21の彼女の一見より健康なきれいか。 「流星ボーイ」の者… : P
Her shot here was okay... She looked pretty... well prettier than her look in BK's 21st single? the "Ryuusei Boy" one... :P
Her shot here was okay... She looked pretty... well prettier than her look in BK's 21st single? the "Ryuusei Boy" one... :P
今度はこんにちはプロジェクトの私の好みの女の子の1つ! ….
Now one of my fav. Girl in H!P....
Now one of my fav. Girl in H!P....
鈴木 愛理
Suzuki Airi!
Suzuki Airi!
わかりました… この写真は良かった… 彼女の歯は見る悪く…. : (しかし全面的彼女は見るかわいく… かなり:)
井戸… 私はグループ及び最も高いのの最も若いの。彼女を見つけるために驚いた。私がももに言ったことを(と反対に) okay…. 私が彼女について愛する何を彼女の微笑、彼女の赤ん坊の表面、彼女の声愛する彼女の声をである! そして私は推測する彼女の赤ん坊人格を… 彼女は余りに食べることを愛する:) *justは私を.....好む*:)
井戸… 私はグループ及び最も高いのの最も若いの。彼女を見つけるために驚いた。私がももに言ったことを(と反対に) okay…. 私が彼女について愛する何を彼女の微笑、彼女の赤ん坊の表面、彼女の声愛する彼女の声をである! そして私は推測する彼女の赤ん坊人格を… 彼女は余りに食べることを愛する:) *justは私を.....好む*:)
Okay... this photo was okay... her teeth looks bad.... :( but overall she looks cute... pretty :)
Well... I was surprised to find her the youngest of the group & the tallest..(opposite to what I said to Momo) okay.... what I love about her is her smile, her baby face, her voice love her voice! and I guess her baby personality... she loves to eat too :) *just like me.....* :)
彼女はである今15才… 16を今年の春回す… 井戸… 私は彼女がこの過去の3つが…選抜する中心であること嬉しい (、Bravo☆Bravoは及び私達の歌リラックスするが、)私は彼女が選抜する…次の中心であることを行っているかどうか疑問に思う -_-
She's 15 now... turning 16 this Spring... well... I'm glad that she's the center this past 3 singles... (Take it Easy, Bravo Bravo & Our Songs) but I wonder whether or not she's gonna be the center in their next single... -_-
She's 15 now... turning 16 this Spring... well... I'm glad that she's the center this past 3 singles... (Take it Easy, Bravo Bravo & Our Songs) but I wonder whether or not she's gonna be the center in their next single... -_-
わかりました… Buonoの歩くこと… :)
More pictures:
Okay... Buono walking... :)
they seem to have lots of fun!
鈴木 愛理 & 夏焼 雅
Airi and Miya:
それらを楽しい時を過すことを及びどうかしてを離れてしくじることを見ることはよい… :) 私は考えること実質BUONOである! Single Cover plus Momo and Buono!
it's good to see them having fun & somehow goofing off... :) that I think is the real BUONO!
私はそれらがPVを…撃った場所を愛する :> 私はこの場所が日本に。どこにあるか疑問に思う。 しかし私はそれが東京に…あることをことを確かめる ちょっとのようにかわいい「EVERYDAY絶好調!!」の屋上
I love the place where they shot the PV... :> I wonder where this place is in Japan.. but I'm sure it's in Tokyo... kinda like the rooftop in C-ute's "Everyday Zekkochou"
I love the place where they shot the PV... :> I wonder where this place is in Japan.. but I'm sure it's in Tokyo... kinda like the rooftop in C-ute's "Everyday Zekkochou"
Berry Koubou Interview: Saki Shimizu, Chinami Tokunaga, Yurina Kumai.
Picture: (from left-right) Yurina, Miyabi, Captain(Saki), then in the bottom... Chinami... exclude the other girls... I couldn't find one that has only Chinami, Saki & Yurina :(
Q: Is this your fist time to visit Thailand?
All: Yes.
Q: When you're at Japan and think about Thailand, what it would be?
Saki: My friend's mother teaches Thai language so I knew Thai language a little and can imagine overview of Thailand.
(She also said Thai words "SA-WAD-DEE-KA (Hello)" "KOB-KUN-KA (Thank you)" for example)
Yurina: I heard that Tom Yum Kung is famous long time ago so this opportunity I'd like to try it.
Chii: I like tropical countries and knew that Thailand is one of them. Japan is very cold now so I'm very happy to visit here.
Q: Once you arrived Thailand, your first impression is different from your previous imagination?
Saki: I was surprised. I didn't think there will be lots of Thai fans shouting "Saki chan, Saki chan" at airport.
Q: This first visit may has no enough time for travel. Where would you like to go or what would you like to do if visit here again?
Chii: I'd like to go to Phuket. I'd like to swim at there.
Yurina: I'd like to ride an elephant.
Saki: I'd like to go to Ayuthaya. (Ayuthaya is former capital city of Thailand so there are many historic places at there)
Q: What's souvenir you choose for giving the 4 members at Japan?
Saki: The image of Thailand should be an elephant. I'd like to buy small gifts about the elephant such as elephant magnet.
Yurina: While going shopping I passed many aromatherapy goods shops which very aromatic. I'd like to buy them for my friends.
Chii: Thai handicrafts such as basket are colourful and unique. I'd like to buy them for my friends.
Q: What's your nick name by fans?
Saki: In Berryz Kobo I was addressed as Captain. For fans, they will call me Saki chan.
Yurina: Yurina, Kumai chan & Kumaicho. Because of my tallness, I look like a model. But in fact I'm the funniest girl in the unit.
Chii: Chinami & Chii. People saids my sound is so loud. It makes my look to be a hilarious girl.
Q: How about the rest members?
Saki: Momoko is at same age with me but many people wonder she is the youngest member. She can say confidently that she is cute. (laugh)
Yurina: Maasa is very responsible like mother.
Chii: Miyabi is at same age with me but more mature, prettier, sexier and very funny.
Saki: Risako is the youngest member but her look is the most mature and sexiest in the unit.
Q: Saying about Berryz Kobo, it reminds us of fruits. What's kind of fruits of your image?
Yurina: For Captain, it's strawberry. Strawberry is king of berries so it suits her.
Saki: Pink grapefruit for Yurina. Don't ask me the reason because I don't know too.
Yurina: Orange for Chinami.
Saki: She is fresh so a suitable one for her is orange.
Q: How about the rest members?
All: For Momoko, it's peach. (all girls said at the same time)
Saki: Chinese pear for Risako.
Yurina: Cherry for Miyabi.
Chii: Her grandmother does cherries farm. She often gives cherries to us so think Miyabi, think cherry.
Saki: For Maasa, it's watermelon.
Q: This concert is also your first full overseas concert. How are your feel?
Saki: Overseas concert is exciting. I can't wait to see everyone at the concert on 27 Mar.
Q: How do you prepare yourself for this concert?
Saki: Good artists should prepare themselves so hard. We do sit up for strong diaphragm and belly muscle.
We also do jogging against tiring when we're on the stage. We're preparing to perform the concert very well.
Q: Is there any surprise for Thai fans?
Chii: Sure, exclusive for Thai fans but can't say it now because of surprise.
Q: Finale, say to Thai fans.
Yurina: This is our first overseas concert. Everyone, please come to enjoy with us.
Saki: There are only 3 of us today but everyone can see all of us on the concert day. Thank you very much for giving us a warm welcome today.
Video Source: loveberryzthai
Okay.. now my own words... well... I got this actually from a friend http://sweet3parfait.blogspot.com/ so thank you miyafan! XD
Well... I'm glad Chinami's active :) oh.. and i totally agree with Chinami being the "Orange" of the group.. :) and Momo saying confidently "I'm cute" :)
I think of my self as (fruit) a grape :) I guess it's because I really love it and well... it's sweet and dark.. you know it seems dark but truly it's sweet in the inside... and sometimes it has seeds sometimes it doesn't (I have no idea what the connection of the seeds...) LOL.. well.. bye for now :)
Oh... and I'm gonna force my parents to take me to Thailand (I wanna go watch :P)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
"SHOCK!" (C-ute) Vocals Only Version
Okay.. it was good.. she used the clip "Close up version" of the Single "SHOCK!" (by C-ute)
Video still uploaded by: ikenokoi1
Suki-chan (S/mileage) Vocals Only Version.
Yay!!! The vocals only of "Suki-chan" By of course our very own S/mileage!!!! XD
Oh... remember the song that I posted about the new song of S/mileage... well it'll be their 4th Indie Single!!! Most probably it'll be their final indie single till their debut on March :P (Official!) okay... back to topic :P
Here's the video!!!
Video still uploaded by: ikenokoi1
I love this version... cute but yeah it's good :) I like it better than their single before this.. rather 2nd single.. their "long title single" :P Okay..I know im bad at this but please have patience in me :P
I love this version... cute but yeah it's good :) I like it better than their single before this.. rather 2nd single.. their "long title single" :P Okay..I know im bad at this but please have patience in me :P
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Arigato ~okiku kansha~ - Shugo Chara Egg! Released!
Going On's c/w is this song...
Arigato ~okiku kansha~ (ありがとう~大きくカンシャ)by: Shugo Chara Egg (the new one with the contest winner! Nanami!!)
Apparently I'm not really sure who's Nanami's voice in the song... though the song is pretty good. And it's nice too :) I ran out of words LOL...
Okay.. so here's the preview..
It will be used again I think as an opening for the new season of Shugo Chara... (Shugo Chara Party) --> I think? Well.. it's nice and let's hope that SCE will release their own single again.. or the other way around... SCE will be the A-side & Guardians 4 will be the B-side (or the c/w)
Out 2010-01-20
Morning Musume Outfit
Guardians 4! 4th Single PV Preview Released! "Going On"
Guardians 4! 4th Single PV preview released! the PV (preview) was okay.. though I thought the animals were kinda creepy... :(
Just like "Our Songs" (of Buono!) it has also been aired on Shugo Chara Party... as an opening I think again?
See.... some freaky animals... directing them... whatsoever!
Although the song was pretty good... I'm not saying it's their best nor it's their worst but it's practically average to me.. :D
It's good.. in a lot of way...
Buono's 10th Single PV Preview Released!
Buono's 10th Single PV Preview Released!
"Our Songs" has been aired on the new season of Shugo Chara (Shugo Chara Party)
You know... some dances of the PV seems like Bravo Bravo.. well some...
And the view or the place where they shot the PV was awesome! XD
Pictures by:
Video Uploaded by: Barracuda910
I love the song and the PV so it's really awesome... Buono rose again! XD
Friday, January 8, 2010
C-ute 5th Album Announced, “SHOCKING 5″
℃-ute 5th Album 「SHOCKING 5」
24 Febuary 2010 Realese
Limited 3,780 Yen (CD+DVD)
Regular 3,150 Yen (CD)
Shigatsu Sengen pv + making
- Bye Bye Bye!
- Shochuu Omimai Moushiagemasu
- EVERYDAY Zekkouchou!!
- 「Zansho Omimai Moshiagemasu.」
- Meiko Koi
- The Party!
- Shigatsu Sengen
- Yume ga Aru kara
- Kimi no Senpou
- Lonely girl’s night
The release date is set for 2/24.
The comments from the forums (forums.hellproject.com) well.. most say it's stupid... the title I mean... well.. they have a point! what's up with the word "SHOCK!" though in their 11th Single... I found it catching (the lyric) XD
Well.. now I'm kinda annoyed... though happy that C-ute's catching up! :)
For the songs that are italicized well... those are songs from their recent single.... I love these 3 songs..
- EVERYDAY Zekkouchou!!
- 「Zansho Omimai Moshiagemasu.」
I love 'em!!!! especially the solo B-side of Airi!! XD
So for the songs that are in bold those are the new ones... I;m super excited I want a preview!!!! I love almost all the songs of C-ute's album like Akogare My Star (from their 4th album) & Maimi's Solo song "Natsu DOKI Lipstick" & "EVERYDAY YEAH! Kataomoi" (1st album)
Well... I'm so excited! XD
“Hanbun Esper” Preview Released
A preview of Mano Erina's Drama.... which will also feature some of HP's Main Group...
*Morning Musume
titled as "Hanbun Esper" and released by Dohhh-UP!
I'm happy Kanon will be there :) though I wasn't that surprised that S/mileage will be featured. though I'm quite surprised to see Morning Musue there... even in the preview!
This next preview's funny... though kinda mean... Sayu (of Morning Musume... Michishige Sayumi) was kinda mean.... cuz well she passed her work to mano.. and starts to look at the mirror!!!! Mean right? but kinda obvious! Sayu acting like a cute innocent girl... who's vain :P
According to the information on the Dohhh-UP video the drama will start airing on 1/15 at 23:00 (JST).
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