Thursday, February 25, 2010

S/mileage- "Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii!!!" Cover Released

The cover for S/mileage's 4th Indie single "Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii!!!" has been released.

Wow! All of them look good! :) Kanon's a bit funny :) then Ayaka and Saki look cute. then Yuuka looks absent-minded LOL

The background cover isn't that good... kinda weird, but I do love their outfits :)  Well... I wasn't that impressed with the covers but I've heard the song and it was pretty good. So we'll just see when I get the full preview

The date is set on March 4.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Official Up-Front Youtube Channel Opened

An official Youtube channel for Up Front artists has been opened. The channel features different videos. Artist like Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, Mano Erina, S/mileage and other UFA artists.

Currently it has 10 uploads, HANGRY & ANGRY, Mano Erina's "Love & Peace=Paradise" PV, Berryz Koubou's "Ryuusei Boy" PV, C-ute's "Shock" PV,  S/mileage's "Suki-chan" PV and other videos....

It's great that they opened up a site where they feature the Up-Front artists, because at least there it's kinda official :D

Currently there are 1359 subscribers

Official Up-Front Youtube Channel 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Suzuki Airi- "Aa! Koi" Radio Preview Released


A radio preview for the song "Aa! Koi" (a solo song sang by Suzuki Airi) has been released.

The song is quite different since it has some electric guitars and drums...I think the melody was okay... and that Airi's vocals were perfect for the song. The song kinda reminds me of Jigoku Shoujo, because Jigoku Shoujo's opening song (the 3rd season's opening) kinda sounds like the song. 

Well.. I'll give Airi's solo song  **** stars I like the melody and the vocals so ** stars. Then there's Airi singing the song so ** stars again for that. 

Hopefully the album will sell well, even I think the new album's great ;)

The release date is on February 24.

My Class- Girls Part 2

Now for the second half! (Girls)

Pamela.... Pamela's nice! really nice, friendly & smart, a real math geek! (Peace) She wears the "helmet" during math time ;)) Okay...  I remembered.. when we went to this seminar... (A lot of Students) Pam was one of my room mates... and I thank God for making her my room mate that time, cuz I don't know anyone there... only some but we're not that close :P Well.. we were sleeping together.. (I mean uh.. the bed she slept on and the bed I slept on were next to each other... and it was an air bed okay..) Well.. my position before we slept was like the normal way we all sleep... but when we woke up at like 4 in the morning, my legs were on her! (that was during our first night) I was so embarrassed! >.< I guess that's my embarrassing moment ever! and yeah.. my secret, I do sleep like a maniac.

Lia, Well... I guess we're a bit close only a bit, cuz she sometimes share her secrets with me, or her opinions, what she thinks about this certain person.... Well... Lia's nice. and I love her handwriting! it's so neat! and... well... preeeetttttyyyyyyyyyy ;)

Jian (Jillian)... LOUD!, talks a lot! annoying... but nice :D

Kristina!!! God... I couldn't sleep after she told me all her ghost story experiences... she told me she saw lots of ghosts in our school, then she saw the same ghost twice I think, in her old house... god so creepy!
But Kristina's nice and like Lia, has a good handwriting!

Me... Weird. Loves to blog, and loves music ;) Why am I saying this? Well.. in my personal info. it says I love root beer! well I really do! like I've got to have root beer every recess time or once we are dismissed! (the mug root beer) Okay.. I also love sweets and yes... I hate bugs.. ghosts.. monsters.. and studying... but I do get high grades.. I just don't like studying.. reading yeah.. but studying the lessons no thanks :P

Riane, a varsity player... well.. I could say she's good in sports... (Sorry.. I don't really know her that well)

Monica!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little girl, with a big voice.. oh... and like Boop, she's older than me, though smaller :)) Well, she's really helpful and funny... risky but still ends up good :)

Dyan... Uh,,, loves wearing jackets.. I have no idea why, but she always wears...

Ophelia.. Loud.. nice, cuz she lent me the uniform I borrowed cuz I wore the wrong uniform before... so she lent me hers.. she was a dancer so she didn't need it... I did so I borrowed it.. of course I washed it :) Oh.. and if you know the manga "Kitchen Princess" she collects them, I think she has like 3 volumes.. I read her manga then I read online.. it was a good manga, I cried you know ;)

Sam! I hate her :P so weird and she reads non-stop! corrects me all the time! I hate her :P

Patty... the friendly patty... yeah  I guess she is friendly.. and funny ;) She annoys me sometimes cuz she laughs so hard even if there's nothing to laugh about :P

Okay... I'm done ;)

C-ute - "Shigatsu Sengen" PV Released.

A PV for one of the tracks in C-ute's 5th album ("Shocking 5") entitled "Shigatsu Sengen" has been released.

Well... the girls are just mainly singing... Well... if you listened to the song before... it was pretty simple, and all had solo lines which was a good thing. So, like the song the PV's also quite simple. There was the group shot... where all of them sang together. Then the solo shot, where the girl sings her solo line. I'm actually glad this isn't one of Airi's show :)

I'd give the PV *** (3 stars) Well... I thought the PV was kinda boring, since they just stand around there and sing, although they were stunning in the PV (their look) so I guess that will give 'em a star. Then I guess for the effort they've done :P (one more *) then I think I really like the place where they shot the PV, although I'm not entirely sure whether it was just a green screen or it's really a place... but it was pretty! >.<

The release date is on February 24.

My Class- Girls Part 1

Okay... Finally the Girls!!!

First... we have Abellooooooooooo (a.k.a..... "Patricia" or "Nicole" or "Niccolo" ) ;) Well... I guess she's one of the smart people in our class... well I could say she is pretty... and loud :P

Allyana... Big! and a massive MJ fan! I tell you! :P

Aisha! Well she's kinda mean... and yeah I guess you can say we're a bit close since we hang out every recess time... and she's funny and corny :P

Theresa... a small white girl! She's part Japanese... and she's okay :) Well... sometimes I pity her, because almost all of the guys tease her... I wonder why... but she's actually pretty :) and nice in lots of ways :)

Betina!! (Boop!) Well she says that her nickname's like that is because of her first name (Betina) it stands for the "B" in Boop... then people say she has large eyes.. so her eyes stands for the two "O"'s in Boop then her other name "Patricia" stands for the "P" in Boop ;) She has a good hand writing and she's small and cute! but she's older than me!

Nina... I gotta say she's super rich! though she's friendly.. and nice :)

Nina.. (the other Nina) the smaller version... Okay..even though she's small... she's pretty loud ;) and she's funny and friendly... Sorry Nina... I really love the pair "GoMia" so I humbly support it!

Christine!!! My friend!!! I love her!!! an anime lover just like me... and a big HSJ fan... (not like me! :P) well.. a big Chinen fan!:) and she's a good artist! though she has a short I warn you not to be in her bad side!

Last!!! EUNIZ!!!!! I love her! She's so kind and friendly!!! A true friend! We have our secrets in Math too! ;) We cheat :P well.. that's between us.. so Shh!!

I'm kinda rushing so.. Bye for now!

My Class- Guys Part 2

Okay... The second half ;)

Ervin, he has a broken leg -_- well.. now he can walk... but he still limps... I don't know much about this guy.. for all I know is he's a guy who likes sport I think... then there...

Rafael (Palma), One of the guys I despise.... -_- Okay.. He is...
1. Irresponsible
2. Dirty
3. Yucky (Icky)
4. Big
5. Weird
Top 5 things I hate about Rafael :P

Ralph.... another weirdo... his jokes are sometimes corny... and he doesn't know when to stop... like he still wants more attention... then he says "briefs!" who knows... he might say "boxers" next time :P

Prince... Ahhh!!! I hate him. He annoys people for no apparent reason! and I know his crush (Shh!) Okay... I remebered a time where his crush was near then... I like told Prince the name of his crush then he came lunging towards me! and OUCH! It hurts!

Kevin, I suddenly remembered TRK (Big bro a.k.a. Kev) from the forums! Well.. I can truly say that the Kevin from the forums and the Kevin from my class are different! Kevin (from my class) is artistic, well... he makes things (or figures) with tape! Weird, uncommon but cool ;)

Miguel... To be honest I did think he was cute at first... but I never actually liked him... hmmm I wonder why? well.. He's the president of the class.. and well.. he can be a little funny with his "Yo! Mama" jokes and his "Nerd" outfit (like... he makes his pants so high! like a nerd :P and he wears this glasses that has no lens!) so it does make him look like a nerd :P

Dustin!!! Shy... quiet.. but like all the guys in my class he likes DOTA.... I wonder why guys are guys??? we were in the same class too before (2nd grade) then... and now... he didn't change... but if you look at him... he's like a sickly boy... (very thin! and pale) and like he's not that smart... but he was part of the highest scorers in English I think... Oh... and if you do a thumbs up in front of him.. he kinda gets mad... :P

J.P........ Bossy... smarty-pants!, pimple head (sorry! but it's true... oh.. don't worry! you're pimples are getting less) but... at times he's nice. and he's good in Archery I tell you I'm afraid that he might read this and then get mad then shoot me with his arrow! He get's an award in a competition so I'm freaking afraid he might shoot!

Andrew... Big... like a bully...but good in Basketball... Drinks too much water... and he plays with it! hmmmm.... He always says "Chicken Butt" randomly every Math time LOL... and he's so noisy during that period. :)) but he's good in math... I think like Bene.. that's his highest subject....

Sendooooo (a.k.a. "Dodo Bird" & "Brianna") Okay... the 3rd "Vincent" (but his real name is Vince...) well... never mind! A smart guy... beats me in almost everything... annoying... and he punches me! (well lightly) and... people call him "Coconut head" because of his weird haircut... or his natural hair style... hmmm :|

Last!!!! Veloso!! (Lorenzo) a.k.a. "White B****"  okay... The white female dog... okay... believe it or not but people say he's 15?! WOW! >.< oh.. gotta tell you he's so tall!!! Acts stupid at times... and he really is super white!

Girls Generation (SNSD)- "Oh!"

Okay... this is SNSD's newest album!!!! Actually I just got SNSD's first mini album.. :D (Yay ME!!!)
I've got their poster!!! Currently I have like 2 CD's (SNSD's "Gee" & "Genie") Well... I just wanna post this.. The MV for SNSD's newest album ;)

Oh! my God!!! Love this part in Oh!'s MV.... All of the girls are singing here in the locker room

The dancing part in the locker room




The location of the dance shot here is in a court... I really don't like the outfits that much :P

Here... the Live performance

and the interview

My Class- Guys Part. 1

Okay... Being f-ing random here... :) I just wanna talk about my class :D Okay.. I'll talk about the first 10 guys... :)

Okay let's start, oh! wait... I tell you if anyone from my class reads this and gets offended or anything... sorry in advance... Hey can't blame my opinions!

First Daniel... Weird at certain times he's weird... though funny... with his "play dead" games and his "shooting himself with a bazooka" game... ah... but he's okay a good guy :D

Next... James... weird that he's been in my class for 3 consecutive years! I really can't stand it! though he is funny and is super super black.. once my friend asked... "Where's James?" then no one noticed because he was already black.. then the lights were turned off and his jacket was black! WTF! No one can see him! but he was found ;)

Well.. next Vincent D. (I tell you there are 3 Vince/Vincent in our class T-T) Okay.. that guy... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......................... since he pinches me a lot of times I really hate him... and he's surprisingly a smart guy. Good in sports I guess...??? Well.. he was part of my class in the third grade.. and he is a close friend.. loved anime (not sure if he still does)....

Well... Sean...I love that guy!!! Ya know... we made a bet... he's the guy who owns this blog
Sean's blog  Well no improvements since last week... Okay back to this guy... he's annoying in lots of ways, because for me he annoys me by talking so much! but he's a smart cookie! and I'm thankful he does my crochet! Thanks Sean!

Vincent D.R. (See... the second Vincent! :P) Okay... When I first met him, he became my seat mate... well he's a nice guy, small yeah... but nice... I say he's the average type (student) and he doesn't really budge.

Baby BenBen!!! (Bene)... well his real name is Benedict.. and he's the youngest in our class so we call him that >.< and he's really short! Well... I can say he's good at math, because I saw his report card and that's the highest subject among all the other major subject. Okay Benedict's nice and cute! he's like a life-sized teddy bear (but a short one) ;)

Next the other Benedict (Espejo!) Okay... I know weird last name! but we do call him by his last name... and a lot of the guys tease him! :P When I met him a little more... he's a nice fellow and well like D.R. an average student. Sorry to be a smarty-pants... but he kinda sucks in grammar. and when he like recited a report in front he shakes! like his hands are like shivering! :)) LOL!

Mark GO!!!! LOL.... well... the number 1 in our class... obviously he's like the boss... and he is bossy and he acts like a gangster or something :P First of all his walk... then the way he talks sometimes! but he's one of the top students! but at times I get all happy inside every time I beat him in something! :P So... I guess that's all that!

Adrian....(Ingco) Okay.. Mr. Weirdo... well.. first of all, he's weird! that's why I called him here "Mr. Weird" and he's absurd... acting all innocent and stuff... then he talks like a baby sometimes... then at times he would punch me for no reason... sometimes pinch! like WTF! I really hate him... but wait... I can't think of anything nice to say about him! hmmmmmm.... ................................. I got nothing! well.. next!....

Finally!!! I'm done with Part 1!!! The last guy is Kyle.... I hate this guy... I want his freaking body! He's so thin!!!!!!! legs & arms! no buff at all!!  but they do say he's good in basketball... and he eats a lot.. which is weird cuz he looks like he eats only rice 1 meal for the whole day!....

Well... I'll post the next half  I dunno...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Princess Ver. 1

Again... by Miyawaki Yukino another Romantic Comedy manga with some drama. (again it's a shoujo/girl manga)

"Marino, a 15 year old girl runs away from home due to an arrange marriage, finds her self in a male dormitory by accident, there she meets... Who will she end up with?"
Princess Ver. 1 Summary Source

NG Boy x Paradise (NG 美男× 天堂/NG BOY×パラダイス)

Manga once again by Miyawaki Yukino
Okay... the summary:

"Miu is an average high school girl who lives in a fantasy world dreaming about the day she'll find her destined one, just like in the manga stories she reads. What she doesnt know is that her prince might be closer than she thought. One day after getting punished to run around the school, she gets hit by a motorcycle at the school gate, and when she sees its a guy she thinks its her so awaited prince. But later she'll find out a secret about this guy and his twin brother."
 NG Boy x Paradise Summary Source

Well.. genres of the manga  are Comedy (that is wonderful!!!! I love comedy manga's!!!) then Romance, School Life and Shoujo (Girl manga) Okay... that's nice since I guess everyone would love a romantic comedy type :)

“すき”と言えない。 (Suki to Ienai/I can't say "I like You")


A one-shot romance and girl (or shoujo) manga  made by Miyawaki Yukino Well... I looked at his/her other works (so sorry... I don't know if he/she is a he/she?!) Okay... Well... I decided to read this first then... her other works. I picked this because this is only a one-shot so it'll be quick ;) 

Uhm... I'm actually still reading so... First... this girl has two secrets... 
1.Kiri (the guy in the story) is not her real brother (older) and he doesn't know that.
2.The girl... (main character) is in love with Kiri. 

Apparently that's what I only know.. but I'm still writing and reading... soo...

Shiina's the name of the main character (girl)

Well...Shiina has a friend, who asked her to help her with her brother. I think that they will start dating then... I think there will be complication and stuff like that...

Wow... Shiina really loves Kiri... 

Guess I'm wrong with the dating with Shiina's friend... -_- She got rejected... 

 Well... Shiina was reading this paper (the form) Well.. her secret was wrong. Kiri knew that he was adopted .... well anyways... the form kinda flew away.. Shiina tried to catch it (She was on the roof top) she nearly fell.. then Kiri caught her then they kissed.. he told her he knew...

Well... My review would be okay! :)

**** stars! The story was okay... not that common but at least they were not real siblings, then they got a good ending... though I'm not sure what their parent's reaction :) Okay... I think how the author draw the characters were okay. The common anime :) Cute I'll say >.<

Cutie of the week- week 8!

 Just to inform you...

Week 1: Tokunaga Chinami
Week 2: Natsuyaki Miyabi
Week 3: Kumai Yurina
Week 4: JunJun
Week 5: Yajima Maimi
Week 6: Tsugunaga Momoko
Week 7: Suzuki Airi
Week 8: ???

Okay week 7's winner is Suzuki Airi!!!

 Congratulations Airi-chan!
Now.... I really wanna congratulate her so much!!! Since she's one of my favorites! Oh... and thanks everyone for uhm... voting :)
Okay.. I'm sorry I can't post the results, because I'm so eager to post the new poll :D So.. next time for sure I'll post the results! >.<

Well..The new girls for the new poll are....
-Mori Saki
-Takeuchi Akari
-Miyamoto Karin
-Arai Manami

I chose the girls differently this time. I picked only the eggs this time, I guess after this I'll only pick S/mileage girls plus Mano Erina for week 9.. but who knows? Okay..

Well please vote!!!

Tsugunaga Momoko, Tokunaga Chinami & Natsuyaki Miyabi- Haro Pro Yanen Radio Show

 ABCラジオ ハロプロやねんDVD!2回目やねん!!

Hello! Project -Official Site-

DVD『ABCラジオ ハロプロやねんDVD!2回目やねん!!』
TGBS-4956 3,990円(税込)

「ABCラジオ ハロプロやねんDVD!」の第2弾が登場!




ハロー!プロジェクト オフィシャルショップ各店(モール店は除きます。)で予約受注販売中!

お客様ご予約日・1月4(月)~3月14日(日) → お引渡し開始日・4月5日(月)
お客様ご予約日・3月15日(月)~3月31日(水) → お引渡し開始日・4月19日(月)
※特典写真付き!(L版、嗣永桃子・徳永千奈美・夏焼雅の3ショット 1枚)

HaroPro Yanen radio show presents vol.2 DVD - featuring Momoko, Chinami, and Miyabi in the studio camera. preview clip on dohhhup
HaroProねんラジオ番組 - 桃子、千奈美を特長とし雅スタジオのカメラでの第2巻DVDリーを示します。 dohhhupをプレビュークリップ

Ahhhhh!!!! Chinami!!!! Momo!!!! Miyabi. Heh! I'm not much of a Miya lover :] well.. I thought the girls were crazy!!!! and Momo was laughing like an old woman in one part I really laughed there! >.< I saw Momo's drawing again!!!!  Okay just being random :3

Well as you can see they are in the Haro Pro Yannen Radio show. Tsugunaga Momoko, Tokunaga Chinami & Natsuyaki Miyabi of Berryz Koubou are being featured in the radio show.

Ahhhhh!!!! 徳永千奈美!!!! 嗣永桃子!!!! 夏焼雅。 Heh! 私は夏焼雅の恋人の多くではない:] 井戸。 私は女の子が狂気!!!だったことを考えた! そして嗣永桃子は私が実際にそこに笑わせた1部の老女のように笑っていた! >。<私は嗣永桃子のデッサンを!!!もう一度見た!  ちょうど任意があるわかりました:
見ることができると同時に3井戸それらはHaroのYannenのラジオ番組にある。 嗣永桃子、徳永千奈美及びBerryz 工房の夏焼雅はラジオ番組で特色にされている。

Morning Musume- "10 MY ME" Tracklist./Covers Released.

Top- Limited, Bottom- Regular

The cover and Track list  for Morning Musume's 10th album has been released.

1. Moonlight night ~Tsukiyo no Ban da yo~
2. Kimagure Princess
3. Genki Pika Pika!
4. Namidacchi
5. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai
6. Ookii Hitomi
7. Ano Hi ni Modoritai
8. Nanchatte Renai
9. Osaka Oshiinen
10. Loving you forever
11. Shouganai Yume Oibito
12. Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou? (Chinese Ver.)

2. [DVD]
1. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Takahashi Ai Solo Ver.)
2. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Niigaki Risa Solo Ver.)
3. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Kamei Eri Solo Ver.)
4. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Michishige Sayumi Solo Ver.)
5. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Tanaka Reina Solo Ver.)
6. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Mitsui Aika Solo Ver.)
7. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Jun Jun Solo Ver.)
8. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Lin Lin Solo Ver.)
9. Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (Mobekimasu Live Ver.)(Hello!Project 2010 WINTER Kachou Fuugetsu ~Mobekimasu~2010.1.10 Nakano Sun Plaza Nite Shuuroku
10. Album Jacket Making Of

Okay... First for the covers... I think I like the Limited ed. better. Reina stands in the middle while there at the bottom sitting Ai.... :) I guess I'll give the cover **** (4 stars) The regular edition's not bad too...

Now... for the track list... I think it's okay... I'm happy they included Morning Musume's 39th-42nd singles. I'm looking forward hearing the new songs... since Morning Musume has lots of good songs :)  But I think the Chinese Version of "Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou?" sounds interesting, so I'll be waiting for the preview :]

The release date is set on March 17.

Morning Musume- "10 MY ME"

Berryz Koubou- “Otakebi Boy WAO!/Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda!” Covers Released

  First Cover – Limited A, Second Cover – Limited B, Third Cover – Limited C, Last Cover – Regular

 The covers for Berryz Koubou’s 22nd single titled Otakebi Boy WAO! / Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda! have been released.

WOW! I love the covers!!! It's freaking awesome!!! though I have to do the thumbs down on the last cover... I think it's a bit too anime-ish... though I love the first three covers with the "Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda" outfits >.<

Among the three (Well... I already told you that I dislike the last cover so, I'll just review the first three...) I guess I love the third cover because the shot was in a close up version, which was nice, because they showed the girls more, and all of them looked amazing there!

The first cover is plain but nice... I like the background simple but cool? I guess I love blue so it's okay for me :) Then the second cover's nice too, since they get to pose and stuff... I'll say Risako's hogging up all the space in the front row :P and Captain doesn't have any space... Some part of Kumai's arm was cut of... (I'm not stupid or anything.... I know that they were all shot [solo] then they were edited... so don't get me wrong) Back to Yurina... awwwww..... -_-

Well... I really think that the third cover's the best. The background's nice, all had different backgrounds. I think Risako's place wasn't that good, because the amount of sunlight is too much, and she's against the light so it's a bad photo for her... on the other hand Chi's spot is okay... love it! >.<

The last cover (Regular) I think it's the poorest... and it sucks for me... How the heck will they sell the regular ed. if the cover's ugly?! but for the other cover, I think they will sell well.... so ahem...

The release date is set on March 3.

Berryz Koubou- "Otakebi Boy WAO!" PV Preview released

 A PV Preview for Berryz Koubou's 22nd single entitled "Otakebi Boy WAO!" has been released.

Well... I gotta say they looked stunning :) The melody of the song matched the PV, the girls' background is an apocalypse, apparently I'm a bit frightened, because this isn't like the usual Berryz Koubou... so I'm shocked but still happy. The girls are singing and dancing while an apocalypse is happening there... freaky... but, it was cool in lots of ways... I thought the tree burning there was awesome... realistic ;)

Okay... the costumes they were wearing in the PV was the same costume they wore on the 2010 Winter Concert of H!P, though I don't like the costumes that much... but the camo outfit was cool ;) Chinami looked awesome in the Preview XD

If I'm gonna rate it... I'll say *** (3 stars)
Average... because I wasn't totally impressed. I'll give the song a * then I guess the outfits another * and then the PV.... let's say I just love their dancing & singing... so another *
I gotta say it didn't disappoint me nor did it totally impressed me, so it's average for me :D

Uhm... since I saw the "Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda" PV (but it's LQ) soooooo.... I tell you to wait for the HD one.... I think I like this side better (Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda) I guess it has a sweet melody and the PV was nice... also the outfits.. :D but I'll just review that another time :)

The release date is set on March 3.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

そりゃないぜ ☆ ダーリン (It's Not Like That, Darling)

This is a manga made by Nagae Tomomi. I just read it for fun in mangafox and well, it's not all smutty... and ecchi... but it has some funny parts, that's why I loved it! I first read some one-shot's by the author then I decided to read this, because I thought she was funny. and she actually draws well... :)

Well.. the story's about a clumsy 20-year old girl (named, Maiko) who's a college student. apparently she doesn't think before she acts, which leads to accidents. Well... when she had an accident last year (in the story) a girl named Haruka offered blood to her, after quite sometime the girl, Haruka, died... and lately Maiko's having dreams and visions, which is the memories of the late Haruka, There Maiko's life changed and she began to live with her teacher (professor) and his son Touya...

Well that's what I know,cuz I'm still reading the series... but I'll update once I finish :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Buono- "Our Songs" & "We are Buono!" Jakcet Making

The jacket making for Buono's 10th single & 3rd Album has been released.

I know it's late, the guy who uploaded this was on February 2... So it's so f-ing late! Well.. got nothing to post so, I decided to post this instead.

Well... I find it cool (the making of the cover for Buono's 10 single) because the confetti's being dropped of at the top then they (the photographer) takes the picture. Well... it was pretty nice too :)

For the album, I thought they were funny were they were saying "Change" then they say the colors of their outfit... Like Miya says "Yellow!" then Airi says "Aoi!" (or blue) then Momo says "Orange!" then again... Miya says something... I didn't really understand it, also what Airi said... I only understood Momo, she said "Mikan:" (or in English "Orange") I gotta say the colors didn't really suit them, well maybe for Airi, but for Miya not really... Momo kinda okay :)

Buono- "We are Buono!" Live tour 2010 Tsugunaga Momoko Pictures

I'll post some pictures of Tsugunaga Momoko taken from Buono's "We are buono!" Concert (2010)

I find this outfit cute, it's like a short kimono >.< Oh and love Momo's bow!!!

This is a bit plain for me, though I love the color use, Black :)

Ah! This is definitely Momo!!! Pink!!! >.< I think the outfit color chosen for her was just right, and the outfit itself suits her. I like it short and cute :) She looks like she's a maid... but a cute one ;) (I know corny corny corny :P)

Her pose her looked like one move in Berryz Koubou's 1st single "Anata nashi de Ikite Yukenai" XD
But the outfit looked like Linlin's outfit in the Hello Project 2009 Summer concert, where Shin Minimoni performed "Jankenpyon Minimoni" :)


 Okay last, we have this... It's cute and too short I guess... but I like the animal design too  Again love Momo's bow!

C-ute - "Shigatsu Sengen" PV Preview Released.


A 6-second preview of the PV for a song from C-ute's new album (to be exact their 5th album entitled "Shocking 5") "Shigatsu Sengen" has been released.

Well I gotta say, it wasn't really good, I mean only 6 seconds?! WOW! They just had to show it!!! They could just have shown  like a minute, why 6 seconds?! Well... can't argue with it but It shows that the girls of C-ute are in a staircase singing, can't say it's bad or good because I haven't seen the whole PV... let's hope it's good... The costumes they used were the exact same costume in the cover of their album. I guess they've got a point there, because I was impressed! I love their outfits! Oh... and love Maimai's hair and Airi! >.< Maimi's hairstyle is better here than her hairstyle in their 11th single "Shock!" Chisato looks like a rocker ;) and then Nakky looks pretty :)

Okay... in the CM, they also showed C-ute's 8th single ("Bye Bye Bye") their 10th single ("EVERYDAY ZEKKOCHOU")  and their latest single ("Shock!") Then they show the CM... :)

かわいく新しいアルバム(第5アルバム厳密が「資格を与えられるあるため5つ」に衝撃を与える) 「四月宣言」からの歌のためのPVの6第2下検分は解放された。
よく私はそれ実際によくなかった、私意味する6秒だけか。言うことを得た! ワウ! それらは!!ちょうどそれを示さなければならなかった! それらは分のようになぜ6秒か。ちょうど示したかもしれない! 井戸… それと論争できないしかし私が全PVを…見なかったので歌っているかわいいの女の子が階段にあることをそれが悪くまたはよいことを言うことができない示す それがよい…ことを望もう 使用した衣裳は厳密アルバムのカバーの同じ衣裳だった。 私は私が印象づけられたのでそれらがポイントをそこに持っていることを推測する、! 私は用品類を愛する! オハイオ州… そして愛の毛および愛理! >。< 舞美のヘアスタイルは第11単一の「衝撃の彼女のヘアスタイルよりここによい!」 千聖はロッカーのように;見える) そして早貴はかなり見る:)
わかりました… CMでは、それらはまたかわいい第8単一に(「BYE BYE BYE!」)第10単一の(「EVERYDAY絶好調!!」)および最も最近の単一を示した(「SHOCK! 」)それからそれらは示すCMを… :) 

Berryz Koubou- 2009 Aki ~Medachitai~ Reviews

 I'm bored... and well I just wanted to post some stuffs... well I wanted to review this so here I am doing it now... though I won't review all the songs in Berryz Koubou's 2009 Fall concert. :)

I'll start with Momo..Uhm.. I'm gonna review her solo performance in the concert. She sang "VERY BEAUTY" which is a nice song. I love the melody of that song, when I first heard it, Risako sang it in the 2008? (I think) battle concert of Berryz Koubou & C-ute. Risako sang it along with Suzuki Airi of C-ute. Their duet was nice, ever since that I started liking Berryz Koubou :)

Back to Momo... I'm glad they gave her a solo performance (also Chinami) I'm glad that my two (2) favorite girls were chosen  to have a solo performance :) In Momo's performance I really love how the crowd goes "MOMO!" >.< It was cute & adorable!!!!  Momo was stunning here!!!

Okay next... "Kokuhaku no funsui hiroba" I find this awesome because they gave most of the solo lines to Maasa, though I'm not that of a fan of her's but I think she deserved it (the solo lines, I mean) so it was a great performance they show... :| Chinami was great too, and of course Miyabi ;)

Okay this next video's funny! because they were all wearing fish costumes, I think they had a hard time dancing, the song they performed was "Special Generation" I know the dance was hard because before I tried learning it :) Well back to them, I love the part where Momo appeared and she started like catching the other girls-----fish I mean :) Well, another funny thing when she like fell on her back twice, one during the performance and two at the end of the performance. It was a new thing for me, because I never actually saw Berryz Koubou goofing off like that (or entertaining their audience like that)

Well... I think I'll just post some videos later again...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cutie of the week- Week 6 winner

Okay... I think I wanna change my style here....
Week 1: Chinami
Week 2: Miyabi
Week 3: Yurina
Week 4: JunJun
Week 5: Maimi
Week 6: Momoko
Week 7: ???
Okay... so I informed you again who are the Cutie of the weeks. :)

Well.. For this week we have....

Congratulations Tsugunaga Momoko (Momo-chan)


Name: Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子)
Birthdate: 1992-03-06
Birthplace: Chiba, Japan
Nickname: Momo, Momo-chan, Tsugu-chan
Blood Type: O
Height: 150cm (4'11")
Hello! Project Groups
Past Groups:
Concert Units:
Shuffle Units:

Hello! Project Daihyakka (2004) Details

Hobby: Reading manga! I love manga
Special skill: I can sleep anywhere!?
Strong point: I guess doing my best till the end even if I'm not good at it??
Weak point: Always taking up lots of time no matter what I do!
Habit: When I'm nervous, my voice gets higher?
Favorite color: Pink, yellow
Favorite flower: Tulip (red ones)
Disliked thing to do: Dance...
Scared of: Rollercoasters, haunted houses...
Favorite movie: "Hamutarou"!!
Favorite book: Manga
Favorite word: "Itsumo happy" (always happy)
Favorite season: Fall!! Because there's lots of delicious things to eat
Favorite food: Sea urchin, kanpachi, crab
Least favorite food: Green peas
Favorite song: "Uwaki na Honey Pie" (Country Musume ni Konno to Fujimoto)
Charm point: Eyelashes. They're a bit longer than most people's!


Tsugunaga Momoko joined Hello! Project as one of the fifteen Hello! Project Kids. She played the lead protagonist in the 2002 Hello! Project movie Koinu Dan no Monogatari. In 2003, she was a member of the one-shot unit ZYX and released two singles with the group before it became inactive.
In 2004, Tsugunaga was one of the eight members selected to form Berryz Koubou, she is one of the group's lead vocalists. She is also part of Buono! along with Natsuyaki Miyabi and Suzuki Airi, and only a year later she managed to become the leader of the group after two competitions between the members. She was a member of Little Gatas and she is now a reserve member for Gatas Brilhantes H.P..
Berryz Koubou held a concert in Saitama Super Arena for first time in 2007 and it's also the first time that Momoko sang a solo. She interpreted Koi wa Hipparidako, which is part of their first album: 1st Chou Berryz.
Starting April 7, 2009, she also hosts her own radio show "Momoko no Puripuri Princess" on JOQR every Tuesday (23:35 to 23:50), replacing Berryz Koubou's Kiritsu Rei Chakuseki.
For her 4th Photobook 『momochiiii』, she hold a handshake event on August 31, 2009, which make her the first Berryz Koubou member to do that (and the third among Hello! Project Kids).

Solo Events



1st Event (2008.05.26)



2nd Event (2008.09.09)








 3rd Event: Pichi Pichi Mini Live (2009.04.28)







4th Event (2010.01.28)








  • [2009.04.07-] 文化放送「桃子のぷりぷりプリンセス」 Momoko no Puripuri Princess



  • [2002-12] 仔犬ダンの物語 Koinu Dan no Monogatari (Puppy DAN's story)
  • [2004-07] Promise Land ~クローバーズの大冒険~ (Promise Land ~Clovers no Daibouken~) (Promise Land ~Clovers Adventure~)








 [2007.06.19] momo (もも

 [2008.03.19] momo16 -Momoiro- (momo16 -ももいろ; Momo16 Peach-colored)

[2008.11.21] Momo no Mi (桃の実; Peach Seeds
[2009.08.21] momochiiii  
Q &A

 [2010.01] Nation Junior Magazine (Thailand)
1. What has been the most impressive moment of your career?:
When our band's name was announced!.
2. What are your goals?:
To be an "eternal idol".
3. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?:
Still an idol and still working!.


  • She is easily distinguishable among the other members of Berryz Koubou because of her height and her unique singing voice.
  • Has a younger brother that does karate.
  • Her favorite artist is Sakurazuka Yakkun.
  • Dislikes festival clowns, and still screams when she sees them.
  • Hates green "matcha" tea, though likes sweetened beverage green tea.
  • Has a habit of sticking out her pinky, although she has tried to get rid of that habit recently. Inaba Atsuko on Gyao's Hello Pro Hour confronted her about it.
  • Audition song: Koi wo Shichaimashita! (Tanpopo).
  • When she's little, she wanted to become a florist.
  • Along with Murakami Megumi is considered to be one of the best actresses among the Hello! Project Kids.
  • Natsuyaki Miyabi often helps her to put make-up.
  • She drew a picture of the eight members of Berryz Koubou for their first Hawaii FC tour.
  • In the flight to Hawaii, she talked all the way with Risako who sat beside her, so when they arrived she fell fast asleep. She didn't share room.
  • Every year she celebrate with her family the day that she became an idol (June 30th, 2002).
  • Momo's father calls her "momochii" when he's going to give or do something for her.
  • During dance lessons, she always helped Ishimura Maiha who had the hardest time with dance routines.
  • On her radio show, she stated that she looks up to be like Sudou Maasa.
  • In her 3rd solo event, while the other members sang a song together with the wota, Momo sang 5 solo songs instead.
  • She likes to read mystery novels.
  • Momo was featured in a magazine that talked about what members among H!P comes from a poor family (Fujimoto Miki and Kago Ai also were featured). The article said that they had become idols to be able to be rich.
  • A fan called her "Chaplin" because she always explains things by gesturing.
  • From Sono ~Sono Subete no Ai ni~: her good subject is Music and her favorite food is sea urchin.
  • She appears on the pv of Boogie Train '03 along with Sudou Maasa, Tokunaga Chinami, and Umeda Erika.
  • Her mom is the youngest among Berryz mothers.
  • Momo's the cover of the "Radio programs 2009 autumn" magazine for October, in that issue readers ranked their favorite DJ and Momo got to be 2nd (1st for Chitose Iwata; the other places were for: 3-DJ HAGGY, 4-Kuwamoto Mitsuyoshi, 5-JELLY BEANS, 6-Michishige Sayumi, 7-Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri, 8-Tanaka Reina, 9-Yasuda Takashi, 10-Fumika Hideshima)
  • Satoda Mai praised Momo by saying: "Momoko is the perfect idol in just every aspect, she is the 'god of idolness'."
  • She asked Michishige Sayumi (Morning Musume) if she was told by any member that it looks painful for her to be all cutesy and how long will she want to stay with this character, her question was made in a very serious tone; this made Sayumi really happy because Momo talked to her about her problems. Also, Momo often calls Sayu "Misshige-san" instead of "Michishige-san" due to the speed she is talking with, then Sayumi allowed Momo to call her as "Sayumin" but Momo replied her with a "No, Misshige-san!", but Sayu didn't like this so she tried again, Momo agreed but the next moment she called her "Misshige-san!" again.
  • Takahashi Ai (Morning Musume) often slaps Momo butt.
  • Because of the meaning of her name, she's the peach in Berryz Koubou. She and Risako are the only ones with fruits in their names.
 Source:Tsugunaga Momoko

Pictures from 2002-2010 (Arranged)










Well... that took me a lot of time! Well... since My work is done (for now) please again vote for the next cutie of the week! ;)