^That's the only picture of the trio together that I can find.
I'm sure everyone has heard of it, but I just wanna post it... and I'm planning on making something for them.
Kamei Eri will graduate due to her skin condition problem. I'm glad that she's not like other girls who will ignore their health and take it lightly. I'm gonna miss Kamei so much, but it was her decision to leave.
As Tsunku♂ said, I will graduate on the last day of the Autumn 2010 Tour from the Morning Musume。 to focus on my health. It is my decision but let me reassure you, my condition is not that serious. I just wanted to focus on my recovery for a while because lately, I was thinking a lot about how I could become a pretty woman. I took this decision with that in mind.
But I really love to do concerts so today and until the Autumn Tour, I am counting on you to sing, dance and have fun with me.Thank you for your continued support.
Video uploaded by: KappaYuhka
Jun Jun & Lin Lin will graduate Morning Musume & H!P and continue their career in China.I wish them luck. I think them being part of Morning Musume helped their careers. I think China will welcome them back warmly. I hope they team up and become a singing duo in China :D They have my support.
Jun JunSince I came to Japan, I did and I learned so many things. Thank you so much.But what really made me happy was to meet all of you, I am so thankful for this.With this emotion in my heart, I want to make more and more happy memories with you. Until my graduation at the end of Morning Musume。 Autumn Tour, I intend to sing with all my heart.Thank you for your support until the very last day. Thank you all.Lin LinSince I first joined the Hello! Project Egg and then the Morning Musume。, I was so happy every single day. Of course, I sometimes missed my home but thanks to everyone around me and all of your support, I now feel that Japan and the Hello! Project is like my home.During the Autumn Tour, I intend to sing with everything I got so I count on your support and I hope to see you there.Wo Ai Ni. (I love you)
Here's the audio announcement:
Video uploaded by: HelloMorningMusume
Here's the translated post of Tsunku about their Graduation...
I'll miss you three!! Even though I'm not much of a fan of Linlin I'm gonna miss her so!!Big announcement from the Morning Musume。About the graduation of Eri Kamei, 6th generation memberEri Kamei came to me several times regarding her health condition. One time, she said to me : “I would like to find the time to cure the atopic dermatitis that I’m suffering from”. Since the time she joined the Morning Musume。, it looks like she was dealing with symptoms like itching and slight skin color changes. She took medication to calm the symptoms down and she also used make-up to cover it but during live concerts, there is a lot of sweat and many outfits to put on, which made her recovery very difficult.Some may say it is “just a skin problem” but according to doctors, an external problem like skin problem may move to an internal level. It may as well have an impact on her spirit, her mental level. Also, for her, it is a serious thing so she decided to focus on her recovery instead of letting it continue. Eri Kamei will graduate from the Morning Musume。 and the Hello! Project on the last day of the Morning Musume。Autumn 2010 concert tour. As for her activities after that, I intend to discuss with her after her full recovery.About the graduation of Jun Jun and Lin Lin, 8th generation members (foreign students)In May 2005, both of them joined the Morning Musume。as foreign students and today, while being skilled singers and entertainers, they also greatly improved their japanese proficiency and they are now grown-up women. This is why I took the decision to graduate both of them at the same time as Eri Kamei on the last day of the Morning Musume。Autumn 2010 concert tour. After graduation, they will enter a period of preparation before focusing on their singers and entertainer career in China.August 8th 2010
Morning Musume。 Producer
GOOD LUCK Kamei, Junny & Linlin!!!