Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Berryz Koubou – “Otakebi Boy (Spark Ver.)” Preview Released

A preview of the song “Otakebi Boy (Spark Ver.)” has been released. It's a c/w of their 23rd single "Maji Bomber/Honkii Bomber" if you buy the Limited A or B. I know the regular version doesn't include this in the CD

The preview's a Radio RIP in the start I could hear Captain (or is it Chii or Miya?) and Kumai-chan introducing the song. The song actually is somehow like a remix SOMEHOW of the song. I don't really know the changes but I feel like there is, I really just can't point it out.. Or is it the guitar there? The guitar parts there is somehow like one of the lead vocals, and the girls' voices seem like they became deeper....

The song is short they didn't previewed the whole song so let's wait for a better preview...this one's LQ

Release Date: July 21

Video Uploaded by: suzukiairii 

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